It's a very intuitive system, and figuring out how it works doesn't take any longer than 10 seconds.
This intuitive system is continuously tested through the audience's responses.
Microsoft, the prototypical PC company, has made the Xbox 360 into a powerful but intuitive, welcoming, people-friendly system.
It's an intuitive system, albeit one that still needs a little refining before release.
The latter, however, would achieve far greater popularity thanks to its introduction of the intuitive "grappling system" not yet developed in WCW vs. the World.
"after" is a keyword that is involved with an extremely powerful and intuitive system known as "chunking", a hallmark of xTalk languages.
Engage NPCs through an intuitive interactive system allowing you to talk, flirt, offer gifts, offend, steal and much more.
The goal was to present a new and more intuitive system for naming the muscles of the face.
Windows Phone turns the "lame grid of icons that sit there doing nothing" on other smartphones into a genuinely intuitive system.
Impetuosity can mar judgment unless it's based on a sound intuitive system.