With its soaring introductory chords and fanfare mode, the piece inevitably recalls Aaron Copland.
It has similar introductory chords to "The Boy Is Mine" (1998) by Brandy Norwood and Monica.
He gave an introductory chord.
The introductory three chords of the song are also in the movie.
Under the introductory slow chords in the last movement Beethoven wrote in the manuscript "Muß es sein?"
Again he strummed an introductory chord, this time setting the mood for a slow, sedate, almost hymnlike piece.
As written, the introductory chord for the song, which was to give the singers their entry pitch, was proving obfuscatory.
Mr. Buckner would play an introductory chord, start singing and abruptly stop after the last verse.
The pianist plays some introductory chords, then repeats them.
The introductory chords provided the basis for Landon Pigg's 2009 hit "Falling in Love at a Coffee Shop."