The elementary mechanistic subtypes taught in introductory organic chemistry are S1, S2, E1, E2, addition and addition-elimination.
It is also likely to be in an introductory chemistry or physics textbook where they discuss phase changes, particularly sublimation.
Kresge Hall features labs for introductory chemistry, inorganic chemistry, and organic chemistry on the third floor.
This distinction is frequently not made in introductory chemistry because the teaching examples used are precisely those where the method is applicable.
Every year, almost 2,500 students at the University of Arizona take introductory chemistry.
In introductory chemistry, the reactivity series or activity series is an empirical series of metals, in order of "reactivity" from highest to lowest.
These courses include introductory chemistry, waves and light, statics, dynamics, calculus, linear algebra, computer programming and one complementary studies elective.
During this time he taught introductory organic chemistry.
In addition to his research efforts, Cooke taught a course in introductory chemistry for over forty years and was, by all accounts, quite successful at it.
He teaches introductory, general, and physical chemistry at the university and is also active in projects to help improve chemistry and other science education in local elementary schools.