The introduction continues: "In her son's character was a marked blending of parental traits.
One year after their introduction, residents, passing motorists and business owners continued to complain about the hook turns.
The introductions continued, and at their conclusion Ivar stepped forward and looked out over the throng.
The introduction of Chinese practices and ideas continued on a lesser scale for the next eight centuries.
The twenties saw many changes in the city and the introduction of new technologies continued to have a prominent impact.
His introduction to Cranston complete, Hapwood continued with his story.
As these introductions continue, comments echo all around the room: "Your partner does that, too?"
In the present time these introductions continue to occur, and in some cases give rise to catastrophic destruction of habitat.
The introduction continued in the same vein for several pages.
Unfortunately, as the rapporteur has emphasised in her document, introduction of the Galileo system continues to be beset by new problems.