This was part of the Sprite Junior Knicks League, a program whose primary mission is to introduce youth to education through sports.
Critical Mass started in 1997 by David Wang as a way to introduce Catholic youth to contemporary Christian music.
The stated goal of the Ezra is to introduce Jewish youth to, and unite it around, its cultural heritage.
These people introduced youth to their culture, history, traditions and all aspects of human knowledge and experiences based on Christian orthodox values.
In 2005, Swords RFC launched am ambitious project to introduce youth rugby into the town.
The local library introduces youth to the world of literature and is also equipped with a number of computers.
Jensen was also a noted speaker on philatelic subjects, and dedicated efforts to introduce youth into the hobby of stamp collecting.
But with an ageing side and an increasing club debt, Graham turned full circle and introduced youth to United's side.
"We wanted to find a medium to introduce youth to opera in a high-impact way," said the company's general director, David Gockley.
Lectron was a modular electronic experimentation kit designed to introduce youth to basic electronic circuits and theory.