During her 14 years there she introduced over 40 classical and modern works to the Company's repertoire.
And it introduced new works at a time when contemporary symphonic music was both important and readily accessible.
But the feminist enterprise is more than a matter of introducing works by women into the curriculum, or "mainstreaming."
The aim was to introduce different notable works of art found in museums around the world, mostly paintings, but also including sculptures.
Mr. Slatkin has done his share to introduce works by living composers.
There is also the intention to introduce woodland sculptures and other significant artistic works which anyone can offer to be involved in.
Among them are recent books aiming to introduce significant works in various fields:
And few music directors have figured out how to introduce works by living composers into their programs.
Ms. Carlson will introduce several new works designed for dance by members of the campus community (694-2200).
He was responsible for introducing works by several English composers to the city.