The now defunct OpenCD project aimed to introduce users of Microsoft Windows to the benefits of free and open source software (FOSS).
THE enhanced CD-ROM version of the program has a step-by-step tutorial that introduces users to the program's wide capabilities.
The Interactive Paging service introduced wireless users to such features as peer-to-peer Delivery and Read Receipts and sending faxes and text to speech messages to a telephone.
DM advised that staff should introduce all potential library users, whether voluntary workers, contract staff, interns, Ph D students or otherwise.
Overall, the demo was "a really good way to introduce potential new users to the UI paradigm".
The graphical interface, online documentation, analytic tools and algorithms of CrypTool introduce users to the field of cryptography.
A new site,, has adapted that idea for the online world, introducing users who submit a personal profile a network of people with whom they share mutual friends.
Trained and experienced library staff conduct classes and workshops throughout the year to introduce and train users to take advantage of the libraries' collections, information resources, and innovative technologies.
The programme is intended to introduce users to the client-server model and offer a flexible networked solution to solve a business problem.
A story-based tutorial that introduces users to programming through building a story.