On 25 July 2012, Central Railway announced it was introducing trains with cushion seats in second class compartments.
Additionally a planned second phase, to introduce new trains to the specifications in the plan on the West Coast Main Line, was cancelled.
Oslo Sporveier decided that it wanted to remove the rush-hour services and instead introduced three-car trains.
The decision to introduce additional trains has been credited to two teenagers from Moylegrove who collected a 1,440 signature petition in support of the move.
This has been achieved by joining services to make longer cross-country routes and by introducing new trains.
Appropriately, the very last silver train on the London Underground ran on the line which first introduced unpainted trains in 1952.
Due to Line 1's severe overcapacity problem there are plans to introduce seven-car trains.
This first £16.4bn phase, introducing 225mph trains and cutting London-Birmingham journey times to 49 minutes, would be completed in 2026.
Once the tracks were laid, railroad operators increased the capacity of their lines by introducing higher-speed trains, better signals and other innovations.
Member States and my country in particular, the Netherlands, are extremely slow in introducing high-speed trains which could form a viable alternative for short-distance travel.