The Conservatives, who had campaigned to introduce protective tariffs, lost their parliamentary majority but remained the largest party.
Glo Mobile introduced lower tariffs, pay per second billing and alongside other value added services.
The government has introduced feed-in tariffs across the UK for both businesses and households for projects up to five megawatts.
The government entered protracted wrangling over whether or not to introduce tariffs.
The cabinet repeatedly failed to agree to make cuts to spending or introduce tariffs.
Introduced wide-ranging tariffs and other import controls.
It could be two to three years before the quotas designated today for elimination are dropped entirely, and Japan will probably introduce tariffs on these items.
The USA has decided to introduce 30% tariffs on steel produced outside that country in order to protect domestic production.
The fact is that the Commission adopted an unprecedented decision, introducing provisional tariffs for a period of five months by way of an antidumping measure.
The World Bank stated that 17 of the G20 countries had, in total, introduced 47 new trade barriers and tariffs.