Introduced light sources during normally dark periods can disrupt levels of melatonin production.
In addition, the practical difficulties of conducting any public opinion survey may introduce other sources of error into the poll.
Technology may introduce new sources of error Technologically induced errors are significant and increasingly more evident in care delivery systems.
But, Dr. Corn noted, the constant addition of features introduces new sources of complexity.
The company has pursued several initiatives to minimize its environmental impact and introduce alternative sources of energy.
Unlike his contemporaries, therefore, he evaluated popular culture, introducing new sources like jazz, comics, film, television and radio to criticism.
The practical difficulties of conducting any survey may also introduce other sources of error.
We have to take action straight away and already introduce measures along the lines mentioned before: savings, efficiency and diversified sources of energy.
At the next ministerial conference, the Member States will strengthen the international consensus on the need to introduce innovative and practical sources of funding.
But each step in the estimation process, he argues, introduced potential sources of error.