In the mid-1990's, the federal government successfully introduced Australia-style quotas in a few fisheries.
This list is now at scores of thousands and growing, with American officials about to introduce even tighter quotas.
Introducing tradable quotas for catching whales could reduce the number of the marine mammals killed each year, researchers have suggested.
The brave decision would be to introduce quotas for senior executive roles.
The government strictly controlled the industry and introduced quotas to ensure efficient production at collective farms (kolkhozes).
Fishing methods vary between species and many countries have introduced quotas in their own waters.
We believe it is impossible to implement just one specific action, for example introducing quotas in the common foreign and security policy structures.
We have introduced rigid quotas, without which no progress can be made.
We first encourage free trade, only to introduce quotas later on that are unworkable for entrepreneurs.
I consider it scandalous that we have not yet decided to introduce set quotas.