The company has also introduced numerous other materials technologies and manufacturing processes.
They introduced new legislation and processes to make the tax system simpler and more consistent.
Further, distant trading partners introduce new standards, new systems, multiple time zones, new processes and different levels of technological maturity into the supply chain.
I also introduced new policies, processes and measurement.
He became one of the first to introduce semi-Markov processes in queueing theory (1952).
In 2001, the Civil Procedure Rules introduced new processes for civil repossession of property and related processes, under section 55.
We're not introducing any new principles or processes in the weapon itself, aside from the flintlock, which isn't an especially complicated proposition.
He was obsessed with the textures that glass could take on, and introduced several innovative cutting and grinding processes.
I expect that its advocates would justify it as merely introducing common criteria and processes to make everything run more smoothly.
He also introduced innovative processes for rapid shoreline change detection to correct gross nautical chart anomalies in a very short period of time.