The Act also introduced criminal penalties for corrupt officialdom.
At the moment, they face fines of £400, but there are moves afoot to introduce stiffer penalties.
Companies House introduced late-filing penalties in 1992 to encourage directors to file on time.
Introducing penalties for lies and breaking promises after an election is vital.
The government's 2006 legislation to expand its labor trafficking law to introduce new penalties for job recruiters remains in draft form.
They introduced severe penalties on farmers (or landowners) unable to produce at full capacity on their land.
Today' s proposal is not about whether we should or should not introduce penalties for carriers.
The second is that it intensifies the fight against moonlighting, in particular by introducing financial and criminal penalties for employers of illegal immigrants.
They have introduced contractual penalties so as to put added pressure on the contractor.
The new legislation, which I support, introduces more safety elements, as well as penalties for counterfeiters.