At 10ft in height, these handsome columns, a reworking of an ancient architectural form, show the drama of introducing large-scale objects into a small space.
He'll hurt his victims, introduce sharp objects into the sexual organs, that kind of thing.
Operators like "and" and "or" that work on propositions introduce new types and new objects.
This version also introduced hazardous objects which instantly cost the player a life if the ball touches them, with the message "You clumsy donkey!"
We have described a scheme for introducing logical objects into one hypertext system, Guide.
It introduces indirect objects that Latin would have marked with the dative case:
There were even fifty cases of introducing foreign objects along nerves to regulate vision and hearing!
This also leads to difficulties since one can introduce somewhat pathological objects, e.g. an affine line with zero doubled.
Instead, one introduces objects that behave as tensors only with respect to restricted coordinate transformations.