When they seemed to resemble each other rather too closely, he introduced random mutations in the offspring.
When you introduce mutations - errors - into a normal program, the program just won't work anymore.
He developed a technique for introducing specific mutations into genes.
This problem can be overcome by introducing mutations in the gene that encodes Klenow.
Welcome to the X-Men era, in which camera makers introduce mutations into certain models in hopes of differentiating them.
It can be used to delete a gene, remove exons, add a gene, or introduce mutations.
Gene trapping is a high-throughput approach that is used to introduce insertional mutations across the mammalian genome.
Dr. Wimmer said he thought that was because his team deliberately introduced mutations into it to distinguish it from the natural virus.
They began with a large collection of cells, introduced random mutations and then exposed the cells to a virus designed to mimic Ebola.
These error-prone polymerases are thought to introduce additional mutations randomly across the DNA gap.