Crack began to spread widely in the mid-80's and soon introduced millions to lives of drug abuse and crime.
In recent days, Assembly leadership introduced millions of dollars in additions to the measure, all ostensibly to broaden support for it.
In this capacity, he introduced millions of French people to many new pop and rock groups, especially from England and America.
Gardner is reportedly developing an investment venture with South Africa that will create hundreds of jobs and introduce millions in foreign currency into the nation.
Howard Finster was responsible for introducing millions to outsider art, but even with his fame, he remained focused on religious outreach.
This song made it to the top of the pop charts and introduced millions to the 12 string sound.
He also introduced millions of young Americans to classical music and inspired many of them to pursue a musical career.
This capitalism has been revolutionary, introducing millions of people to stock-holding both directly and through mutual funds.
He has attempted to make philosophy more widely accessible, introducing millions to the themes and thinkers of philosophy.
The BBC got in touch and asked whether there might be a way to introduce millions more to this very unusual world.