The government has also built numerous schools, community health centers and hospitals and introduced new crop technology and livestock, but the valley remains mostly undeveloped.
The missions introduced European livestock, fruits, vegetables, and industry into the Texas region.
Imnajbian farmers started with root crops, but when the Spaniards arrived, they learned to grow other crops, while introducing livestock and vegetables.
The missions introduced European technology, livestock, and crops.
The missions gave Spain a valuable toehold in the frontier land, and introduced European livestock, fruits, vegetables, and industry into the region.
With the trial periods yielding better results than expected, Jimi is now considered ideal for the NARI introduced livestock.
In parallel with this, he introduced exotic livestock to the estate farm and to others which he owned.
The Atatürk Forest Ranch developed a program to introduce domesticated livestock and horticulture in 1933.
The missions introduced European livestock, fruits, vegetables, agricultural industry, along with invasive species of plants into the California regions.
There is a long history of introducing livestock to offshore islands in an attempt to incite ranching and establish permanent human residence on these islands.