It introduced variable arguments, autoboxing, and generic types, and dropped the bit shifting topics from previous exams.
One may introduce arguments for and against this proposition, based upon such things as standards of statistical analysis, the definition of "overweight," etc.
Syntax such as - which requires unnecessarily introducing the keywords and , as well as method arguments and arrays.
That is, they gradually acknowledge their client's culpability during the trial, while also introducing arguments for why the penalty should be life in prison.
Even von der Malsberg, [19] introduces detailed computational arguments about object feature binding with remarks about a 'psychological moment'.
He should not introduce such arguments when we know what the Government are after - attacking the British coal industry.
Convergence culture introduces new stories and arguments from one form of media into many.
He introduced his tables and arguments via a letter to a bishop Petronius (also written in 525) and added another explanatory letter (written in 526).
On the other hand, delay is also a necessary corollary to a truly adversarial process in which the other side objects and introduces evidence and arguments.
During constructive speeches, debaters may introduce new arguments and the speaker's opponents may rise to ask questions of the speaker.