An intrinsically valuable thing is worth for itself, not as a means to something else.
Diversity is intrinsically valuable to the dominant culture in a globalizing world with its free market economy.
In turn, human life is looked upon as intrinsically valuable and ultimately the very foundation for the realization of sagehood.
Most of this jewelry is not intrinsically valuable because it has few (or no) precious stones.
The question really is, When does a creature deserve to be treated as intrinsically valuable?
Q. When do you think a robot should be treated as intrinsically valuable?
His work, while intrinsically valuable, is particularly important as having aroused interest in a subject that at the time was often neglected.
This view may hold the instrinsic values of several life stances as intrinsically valuable.
Thus, he argues, a person is viewed as more than just a material or physical object, but children of God, and therefore intrinsically valuable.
Culture and education are intrinsically valuable in themselves.