Within those limitations, however, there is an intriguing mixture of technical finesse and iconoclasm, elegance and humor.
Everything was an intriguing mixture of old and new.
There is his family's intriguing mixture of premodern beliefs and scientific rationalism: his sister once sacrificed a white ram to protect the family from evil witchcraft.
Her voice is an intriguing mixture of chi-chi singsong and hard, inside-track transatlantic, so the effect is Peter Sellers meets Gordon Gekko.
World on 3 Tom Ravenscroft An intriguing mixture of the ancient and contemporary, with every track different.
An intriguing mixture of the ancient and contemporary, with every track different.
This stranger was an intriguing mixture.
Whether their environment had grown to fit them or vice versa, she couldn't be certain, but they were an intriguing mixture of the worldly and primitive.
Cowboys have been hanging around Jackson Hole much longer than skiers, so the town displays an intriguing mixture of Wild West ambiance and nouveau ski area chic.
She wore an intriguing mixture of English and Oriental hunting dress.