An intriguing look at the emotional make-up of Mafia hit men.
It's an enjoyable, intriguing look at what can happen to a group of ordinary, cash-strapped people who wake up one day as multimillionaires.
An intriguing look into what is becoming a proper force to be reckoned with.
But it does provide an intriguing new look the former Surrealist poster boy whom the art world has long been used to dissing.
According to Hartman, it "is an intriguing look at the internal battle between right and wrong.
The film received positive reviews, and was praised for its intriguing look at a very important, yet under-told story of international importance.
Palermitans themselves have inherited the intriguing looks and social rituals of their multicultural past.
Yet the collection is also an intriguing look at the writer himself-his past, his present, and his vision of the future.
But at the least they are being talked about as an intriguing new look at the nation's voting patterns.
The film is an intriguing look at the world of high-powered finance.