Another intriguing example is the following fragment from the lost Tale of Wade:
The most intriguing example is a documentary called "The Corporation," which opens in about 30 cities across the United States this summer.
It remains one of the world's most intriguing examples of Islamic architecture.
However, like many of their other works, the Black Dog House is an intriguing example of space craftsmanship.
Genesis is an intriguing example of what happened in many areas of domestic policy during the 1980's.
Alberto Casado, a young Cuban artist who just might be on the threshold of an international career, is an intriguing example.
An intriguing example of the use of cores is in the casting of engine blocks.
"Better Than Well" offers intriguing examples for framing these questions.
In a number of intriguing examples, a painting of tall evergreens introduces the dialogue with nature.
I don't really think much has changed in appropriate critical judgements since 1906, but it is an intriguing example of Schillings in triumphalist mood.