But the more intriguing - and seemingly as effective - elements in his speeches were the personal stories he used to make political points.
The second bullet hole added an intriguing element to the case.
Martin's, $16.95) is how it can contain such intriguing elements and still make such dull reading.
Kelon took one step, and then another, drawn forward by an intriguing element to her scent.
The most intriguing element of Henderson's performance this season is the increase in his batting average.
Wood told an interviewer, "It's the most intriguing element of the film.
One potentially intriguing element in Season 5 will be a new president.
Another intriguing element of the past was found while connecting a house on 11th St. to utilities in the late 1980s.
The most intriguing element was what the search team had found in an adjacent storage space.
But there were intriguing elements to the minor move.