One intriguing alternative is the subscription plan allowing unlimited downloads that is currently offered by Napster, Yahoo and Rhapsody.
Used in soups, salads and desserts, the little light brown grain is an intriguing alternative to pasta and rice.
But an intriguing alternative is emerging around the country: compassionate capitalism.
Beyond the hotel are many intriguing alternatives, including day trips by jeep or horseback into the jungle.
It merely offers a more intriguing alternative.
"I think SimHealth is an intriguing alternative," Mr. Eller, the Presidential panel's spokesman, said.
Aminoshikimic acid is an intriguing alternative to shikimic acid as a starting material for the synthesis of neuraminidase inhibitors such as the antiinfluenza agent oseltamivir.
The Great One found intriguing alternatives in encoding it linguistically and can extrapolate there would be alternative possibilities in answer.
As Congress considers inviting lawsuits from between 50 and 150 million more Americans, health-policy specialists are proposing intriguing alternatives.