The trio was known for their technical, intricate style, unorthodox song structure and energetic stage presence.
His poetry is characterised by its intricate styles and ethereal expressions.
The main doorway, on the right, was in an intricate Federal style with a fanlight.
All that black hair, done up in a high intricate style.
The mass of hair was done in an intricate style, and on one side three bright, long feathers were pinned in adornment.
The initial ascetic appearance was replaced with an intricate and fanciful baroque style.
Mr. Kamakahi played in an intricate, light style, his hand just brushing the strings while he sang.
Her long dark hair was piled up on top of her head in an intricate style held together with delicate Silver combs and pins.
Jefferson had an intricate and fast style of guitar playing and a particularly high-pitched voice.
His popularity has influenced and encouraged many other artists to develop intricate styles with pencil.