The largest and most intricate painting is "The Pythagorean Theorem" (1964), a four-panel canvas about 5 by 18 feet.
It incorporates gold leaf in its intricate paintings.
The cathedral had been completely filled with sand which preserved a large number of intricate paintings on its walls.
Even today, the ceiling has many intricate paintings.
The images all draw you close in, the way you get drawn to the surface of an intricate painting, to take in the details and increase the ravishment.
Small, intricate paintings, usually depicting history and biblical subjects, were produced in great numbers in the Southern Netherlands throughout the 17th century.
There were panels in their sides, each carrying an intricate painting depicting some earlier sea victory for Granbretan.
The universe, Lieutenant, is like an intricate painting.
The play was like some marvellous intricate painting, a feast of impressions close to, a mere blur from the distance.
Pichhwai are intricate paintings which portray Lord Krishna.