Over the years, the dance evolved into the more intricate and illusory form that is now called "vogue".
Wildstyle is a complicated and intricate form of graffiti.
But no matter how much scientific understanding we have of them, their colors and intricate forms still instill in us a sense of wonder.
He showed the students that the language they have been using all their lives has its own intricate form worth appreciating.
Jantiff produced the proper document: an intricate form which he had painstakingly completed.
As are our skills at arranging the most intricate forms of financing.
The front of it was a bronze web of intricate geometric form.
The individuality of a being is a certain intricate form, not an enduring substance.
It may be age hardened after forming into springs, intricate forms or complex shapes.
This work was slow to gain favour with musicians, due to its harmonic complexity and intricate form.