If there were not such thing as college football, he'd be the guy calling everybody after class to go play on the intramural field.
The field's former location is now occupied by intramural athletic fields.
The Student Recreation Center and its associated intramural fields are located south of the varsity facilities.
The team assembled for its first practice on the field west of H Quad near the intramural fields.
For decades, the area contained no structures and was used only for intramural fields and community garden space.
It had been crowded when she'd arrived for her night class, so she'd parked at the far end of the student lot near the intramural fields.
Possible uses announced this year included student housing, intramural fields or the presidential library, were it awarded to the university.
The college completed intramural fields for the 2011-12 academic year and began various sports competing as club teams.
The land is currently used for biology research, but future uses could include intramural athletic fields.
Other notable facilities include the recreation center, softball field, intramural fields, and Greek Row.