They lack intoxicating liquors and were said to commit no crimes.
You can only sell intoxicating liquor in certain premises and if you are licensed.
In 1901, he sponsored a Bill to prevent the sale of intoxicating liquor to children under 16 years.
"Very well; I do attend bar, and yet never drink intoxicating liquors."
Also, sometimes used colloquially as a generic or a collective name for intoxicating liquor.
"The state has to prove he was under the influence of intoxicating liquor," Mr. Cole said.
It had been joined, among others, by the committee to study intoxicating liquors ($30,000).
I was thirty five before I ever touched a drop of intoxicating liquor.
It outlawed the sale and consumption of all intoxicating liquors.
The knowledge of his enemy's weakness affected him like an intoxicating liquor.