All the time he is portrayed in a highly intoxicated state.
Or maybe they have drunk because sometimes an intoxicated state inspires their creativity.
Due to his intoxicated state at the time of the murders, he did not face capital punishment.
This can occur both in the intoxicated state and during the withdrawal state.
As Káhah himself was in an intoxicated state, he was soon taken prisoner by the mob.
It would likely be very difficult, especially for someone in an intoxicated state, to be able to accomplish such a feat.
They say the 0.08 bill does not attack the problem drinker who will drive in an intoxicated state no matter what the law says.
Due to his intoxicated state at the time, Jack is unable to recall where he was that night.
However, the altered or intoxicated state of the abuser prevents the full consciousness necessary for healing.
"Maybe that officer in his intoxicated state of mind might have shot someone," he said.