It is becoming an intolerable threat to American interests and world stability.
Of course, some hazards, like botulism in canned foods or explosives in tunnels, present intolerable threats that must be contained.
"It was simply essential that we demonstrate the extent of our efforts to find some peaceful resolution to the intolerable threat you pose to true civilization."
But the singletons find Oneness an intolerable threat, and will turn to destroy it in its infancy, if permitted.
They felt that this would constitute an intolerable threat to British control of the North Atlantic.
And that would have posed an intolerable threat to too many cozy Temple relationships.
The independence movement in the high country was an intolerable threat.
A civilian-run police force outside the military hierarchy presented an intolerable threat to the military's dominance of law-enforcement and the justice system.
Her survival, after what she's done, might be an intolerable threat.
Female strength, untempered by humility, self-abnegation or the imprimatur of a male authority, was an intolerable threat.