But they reckoned without the mood of the chairmen, who saw the committee's proposal as an intolerable and misguided interference in the detail of their management policy.
The insurance industry asked for no such provision, and most Democrats and trial lawyers regard it as an intolerable interference with the rights of plaintiffs.
But conservatives convinced much of the electorate that the accusations against Mr. Waldheim were an intolerable interference by foreigners in Austrian internal affairs.
Representative Gilbert Gude and Senator Joseph Tydings also condemned what they saw as "intolerable interference in...local affairs".
This was perceived by some as intolerable interference.
When prohibition came along with the First World War, he denounced it as an intolerable interference with the rights of citizens.
Instead of repeating the old line that the accusations are an "intolerable interference in internal affairs," Moscow seeks to vie with the West by making charges of its own.
Will they not consider them an intolerable interference?
In a communique, ministry officials said any deployment of American troops at the National Assembly would constitute "intolerable interference" in Haiti's internal affairs.
China therefore regards any challenge to its sovereignty over Tibet as intolerable interference and any threat from inside Tibet as treason.