True knowledge sought in a spirit of enquiry should mature into wisdom and reverence.
The most important aim of the institution is to bring up the new generation into the culture and wisdom to enable them to face the world.
When it is open, negative experiences are transformed into wisdom and learning.
We can also tap into inner wisdom and guidance, and discover our higher purpose.
With enough accurate predictions, an observation might evolve into conventional wisdom.
Once the economics of endowments are better understood, maybe that understanding will seep into conventional wisdom.
Now you must take what you have learned out into the world, and use it, in order that knowledge may mature into wisdom.
The trick is in finding a balance to it all and then surviving to turn knowledge into wisdom.
How do you take the mind's penchant for evil and turn it into wisdom?
Unfortunately, I can't stay around to help you ease into wisdom on how to use your powers.