After all, the idea wasn't a bad one and people didn't expect you to put the world into a volume.
However, he never knew that the one book would be able to turn into so many volumes.
He combined them into a single 1296-page volume in 1981.
He left behind a son, who has compiled all of his father's work into a volume.
There were also a series of stories not collected into volumes.
He has recently collected all his small press work into a single volume, Previously.
The finished work, divided into four volumes, took six years in the writing, between 1897 and 1903.
It was one of the four books that were divided into 1,000 volumes.
Nothing that has passed under your eye needs any revision before going into a volume, while all my other stuff does need so much.
It was published in three parts, and later collected into a single volume.