But we do not seem to be tuned into the need to address it that way.
He had one last battle to fight before he could give into the soul-deep need to rest.
The committee was entrusted with the task of looking into the need to establish social science research institutes in India.
Thus the government appointed a commission in the mid-1950s to look into the need for a coordinating body.
The weeks of tedious, patient waiting seemed to be exploding into the sudden need for desperate action.
Mark had no fear of contagion, since he never gave a thought to the peril, all his energy being absorbed into the need.
Greenpeace has threatened to seek a judicial review if a full public inquiry into the need for the plant is not held.
The pain flowed into her, and the desire, the anger, and the need.
The facts of the story may develop into the need to do much more in the days ahead.
Welfare services are given a promotional role taking into account social inequalities and the need for universal provisions.