Germans should make their own calculations about how this would translate into higher taxes, he added.
To prevent a funding shortfall, local and state governments began looking into possible taxes in the counties the Rail Runner serves.
Since taking office, President Barack Obama has signed into law twenty-one new or higher taxes.
And after all, society has been into low taxes since the American Revolution.
No wonder Chavon's that land poor he's had to sink all his clay-pit earnin's into taxes an' interest.
Alternatively, separate enquiries would have to be opened into separate taxes.
It is the popery of government; a thing kept up to amuse the ignorant, and quiet them into taxes.
While that is in line with historical rates of return for the market, it takes into account neither investment fees nor taxes.
The final figure could rise or fall after taking into account agents' commissions and taxes.
New financing mechanisms which do not translate into higher taxes at this time of crisis need to be explored.