All the other Robitas around the world decided to also destroy themselves from learning the news, and went into collective suicide.
In fact, thousands of islanders committed or were forced into suicide, with some parents killing their children, before the battle came to an end.
Initial police report said that the girl was drowned or jumped into the river and committed suicide.
Even then, after your defeat, there are ways to turn a licking into outright political suicide.
"Seeing how many patients you could talk into suicide."
But I don't want to be part of a society that is learning to shame old people into suicide.
Crazy enough, I believe, to lead even your own men into suicide in order to get what you want.
A significant proportion of Russia's 730,000 orphans fall into drugs, violence and suicide.
Carver blackmails him into suicide and takes over his business.
The grieving mother says her son was bullied into suicide by kids at school.