Above 420 C, silane decomposes into silicon and hydrogen; it can therefore be used in the chemical vapor deposition of silicon.
Texas Instruments shrunk the Explorer into silicon as the MicroExplorer.
The most logical reason would be because it requires a lot of CPU-intensive algorithms and they haven't bothered to actually bake them into silicon.
Researchers press a mold directly into molten silicon just as letter writers once stamped melted wax with a seal to close their envelopes.
On these conventional chips, all software instructions flow through pathways that are etched into silicon when the chip is made.
Furthermore, metal has a tendency to disperse into silicon during these thermal annealing steps.
But current chip-making technology, which etches circuits into silicon, is expected to run up against fundamental physics limits in 10 to 15 years.
Engineers discovered that by doping - introducing certain kinds of material - into silicon, they could control its conductivity.
Then Fuller accomplished the diffusion of boron into silicon.
For several decades, the technology of carving transistor circuits into silicon has been improved to pack more transistors onto chips.