This isn't Drew's first foray into rap, either.
Before that I'd been into jungle, but this album got me into rap.
The musicians are into house, disco, funk and rap, and if you understand Spanish, their lyrics will make you blush.
Yet with major labels lumbering forward to absorb collegiate rock, as they moved into rap a few years ago, where's the fringe?
The album again reflected a broad range of musical styles, including extended dubs and the first forays into rap by a major rock band.
The rock compilations promote general Christian rock and have a little variety into metal, hip-hop, and rap.
It has seeped into film dialogue, advertising campaigns, French rap and hip-hop music, the mainstream media.
The actors even broke into rap, creating an imaginative, gutsy and intense show.
Reda, was already into rap.
McMahon's kids are into rap.