Its specialties are memory and mood, qualities famously resistant to being turned into quantities.
He could manipulate this matter into various shapes and quantities.
The flow is decomposed into mean quantities and turbulent fluctuations.
Steel service centers buy large lots of steel from the mills and break them down into smaller quantities for sale to manufacturers.
The reason is the rapid advance in techniques for compressing images into smaller and smaller quantities of data.
Consequently, it was mostly taken for granted and pressed into vast quantities of mediocre wine.
By the end of the 17th century, the land was divided into very precise quantities as determined by the landowners at their town meetings.
We would have big shipments delivered there, then unpack them and repack them into smaller quantities.
Those blood cells will be isolated from cancer patients and grown into large quantities in the laboratory, a procedure that takes about four weeks.
The Commission proposes dividing the maximum guaranteed quantity into national guaranteed quantities.