If you'll take some time and look around, you'll see what very real elbow grease has gone into our stay here.
About six weeks into his stay there, the apartment's refrigerator had little food but plenty of beer and wine.
However, he left in January 2012, just six months into his stay, due to financial problems at the club.
It was two days into our stay on Nevis when the mountain began to call.
A week into her stay, Gabby's appetite started to flag.
Three months into his stay, Cathy discovered she was pregnant with her son Adrian.
Two weeks into his stay, the two leaders of the revolutionaries left the island.
One night, seven months into our stay, Samantha and Tom sat us down for a family talk.
Two or three nights into his stay, he left his room to go to a local saloon.
A couple of days into our stay we came back to the hotel to find a message from Astrid.