In Windows 7, the search results are broken down into sub-lists by type, such as documents, multimedia, programs, and so on.
To enhance its move into multimedia, Fujitsu has finally entered the business of making sophisticated liquid crystal display screens.
EMI Music, the only major record company that is not part of a diversified media conglomerate, is leaping into multimedia.
The park now houses companies that are into software development, animation and multimedia, web designing, BPOs, and IT finishing schools.
When the big media companies dove into multimedia several years ago, they seemed destined to dominate this infant industry.
He would later adopt the seminars into books and multimedia, which he publishes in-house.
Q. I am a young journalist on a career path (hopefully) into multimedia, and I have been very impressed with the NY Times' video efforts.
If you're into multimedia, you'll want to consider this large (19" viewable area), flat-panel LCD's excellent features.
A.T.& T. named a new chief financial officer and shuffled seven executives for its push into global markets and multimedia.