Carbohydrates that can't be used for energy are converted into fat.
Carbohydrates are very good for energy, but, if a person eats more than needed, the extra is changed into fat.
Exercise and sports can increase the amount of calories burned by the body rather than turned into fat.
Not only that, but you need to get in the zone, which calculates into burning calories and fat.
Studies suggest that exercise will encourage stem cells to turn into bone rather than fat.
The product is then allowed to settle into three layers: meat, excess water, and fat.
Others very efficiently turn virtually all their extra calories directly into fat.
If the marrow cooks longer it will turn into liquid fat.
Because our bodies don't use those calories well, they usually get converted directly into fat.
During the 1930's, about 100,000 Americans took a chemical, dinitrophenol, which prevented food energy from being turned into fat.