The belief was that investment would pull the system back into financial equilibrium.
A visitor's senses adjust to the changes, bringing body and sight slowly into equilibrium.
In places, the forest has missed several normal burn cycles and needs to be brought slowly back into equilibrium.
He heard the roar of the emergency fans as the environmental system struggled to get the room's atmosphere back into class-M equilibrium.
The only thing the US could do to get back into equilibrium was increase their interest rates.
I lost three feet and about ten years of my life getting back into equilibrium, and began again to fight my way upward.
In the physical sciences, relaxation usually means the return of a perturbed system into equilibrium.
"If we're seeing supply and demand start to move into equilibrium now, what's going to happen when all these new plants start producing?"
Their effect, however, had been to bring his mind into equilibrium again and he began to revert to his customary prison self.
They accept the forces that tend to bring them into equilibrium with their surroundings.