The trails lead down into cattle and sheep country.
I didn't eat a lot of red meat for fear of all the growth hormones and other drugs that are pumped into cattle.
How could it be else when our masters have brought us here to break them into well-behaved cattle?
Directly he spoke, Gabriel made the sign of the cross, and all the doves were turned into cattle.
That is why they have always tried to enslave us and turn us into cattle.
At the rabbit pen, footprints showed where groups of Smokies had been moved in and out through the gates, a whole community turned into cattle.
Why, even the business men are selling out their stores and going into cattle.
She replied, "Can it be true that modern kzinrret have been bred into cattle?"
Because the first outbreaks seemed to be associated with ground beef, scientists looked into cattle and other farm animals.
Bell helped the area develop into a small farming and cattle raising community.