Tammy knew plenty about Katya Lupi by now, of course; her intimidating reputation went before her.
'The Scorpion Defense' Lawyers who have fought the publications say that by spending lavishly to employ powerful law firms, these newspapers have built intimidating reputations.
Despite their intimidating reputation as danger zones for careless divers, the tops of.
I needed a form with speed and stamina and a sufficiently intimidating reputation to keep other creatures at a distance.
His edge came from his strength; his ability to negotiate all kinds of terrain fluidly; his intimidating reputation and, above all, his ravenous appetite for the most aggressive line.
Despite their intimidating reputation as danger zones for careless divers, the tops of the reefs are teeming with life, making them fine snorkelling destinations when the sea is calm.
In 1972, Judge Pollack presided in a case in which one of the lawyers was Roy Cohn, who had an intimidating reputation, and the judge frequently stood between the jury room and the elevator to ensure that Mr. Cohn could not intimidate jurors during lunch breaks.
A ramo was recognized when he had killed an adversary in personal combat, and established an intimidating reputation.
The expression Er/sie hat einen Ruf wie Donnerhall is used for describing someone who has a very strong, intimidating reputation.
This season's defense has regained, and earned, its intimidating reputation.