Uncontroversial and fairly routine questions - not always easy to spot - should normally come at the beginning, leaving personal and more intimate ones for later.
But there is also a need for intimate ones.
The social penetration theory proposes that, as relationships develop, interpersonal communication moves from relatively shallow, non-intimate levels to deeper, more intimate ones.
A lower context culture demands more independence, and expects many relationships, but fewer intimate ones.
Donald's theme is that Lincoln, although a much-liked man with dozens of apparent friends, had almost no intimate ones.
Photographs of her after overdoses and suicide attempts found their way into the mainstream press; more 'intimate' ones were 'happened upon' by the 'adult' publications.
Where to Stay Good hotels are numerous downtown - although the small, intimate ones are primarily in the luxury class.
There are fine formal portraits of political leaders and beautifully intimate ones of musicians, dancers and artists.
Predictions are stronger for close relationships than for less intimate ones.
Edwards's sculptures vary in scale: there are works of a grand, public kind quite different from his intimate, private ones.