Aside from music, Ferdinando's other principal delight was in intimate liaisons and affairs, often with men.
But it turned out, after a brief but intimate liaison, that this American had deceived her.
It therefore followed that an intimate physical liaison between a Tracker and a Mute was an unthinkable aberration; the product of a sick mind.
He might have to wait until tomorrow for their intimate liaison.
Now he was in this shore job and in intimate liaison with the Royal Air Force.
Each told the same story of a secret and highly intimate liaison with my father, which ended when he moved on to the next young initiate.
Alcohol and intimate liaisons were strictly forbidden, though prohibitions may have fostered frequent boozing and romance.
What he did say was, "Our initial intimate liaison was not long after Captain Dax's visit to the ship."
Hermione & Harry have an intimate liaison.
Two naked men immediately disentangled themselves from intimate liaisons with other slaves.