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The mustard walls, with wood wainscoting and paintings of Italy, create the effect of an intimate cafe, warm and snug.
R Map Fresh flowers, flattering candlelight, delicious wine - this intimate cafe might just be the perfect date spot.
Jean-Paul's French Corner (708 Tarpon Bay Road, near the Post Office; 813-472-1493), is an intimate French cafe.
The production continues through Sunday in the intimate cafe at La MaMa, the theatrical complex at 74 East Fourth Street, East Village.
There are drowsy old houses, sleepy alleys and squares, intimate cafes, and the air of medieval Switzerland envelopes you.
Musicians filter in to the intimate and dimly lighted cafe all night long, signing up to play, taking a seat stage side and applauding their mentors, protégés and peers.
Still, if a little electronic assistance is what it takes to keep Elaine Stritch singing, even in this intimate cafe, then so be it.
Dine in the intimate café or at the tables on the riverbank across the road.
One is a colorful but decrepit old town of cobblestone streets, intimate cafes and domed Baroque churches.
C Map In a shaded patio setting with a view of Royal St, this intimate cafe serves small meals over the counter.