Carrageenan is inert to hydrolysis by intestinal enzymes in both humans and monogastric animals.
It probably makes very little difference if people with relatively low levels of the intestinal enzyme take their medicine with grapefruit juice or with water.
When she underwent an amniocentesis 20 weeks into her pregnancy, it indicated that the amniotic fluid had a low level of alkaline phosphatase, an intestinal enzyme.
Treatment may include a special diet, medicine to replace intestinal enzymes or reduce spasms, and vitamin or mineral supplements, such as B12 and iron.
Pantetheinase, an intestinal enzyme, then hydrolyzes pantetheine into free pantothenic acid.
The ability to metabolize lactose depends on an intestinal enzyme called lactase.
Because of the configuration of their osidic bonds, fructooligosaccharides resist hydrolysis by salivary and intestinal digestive enzymes.
Additionally, brewer's yeast seems to stimulate chemicals (intestinal enzymes) that could help relieve diarrhea.
Instead of being broken down by intestinal enzymes, these sugars pass through to the colon where resident bacteria use them for food.
It is a starch blocker, and inhibits alpha glucosidase, an intestinal enzyme that releases glucose from larger carbohydrates.